Wednesday, June 18, 2008

June 16, 2008 - Meadville - Youngstown, OH (102 km)

Saturday, 14th June 2007

Meadville - Youngstown

Mileage covered ? 64 miles

Blooming valley ??Rt 7?..Meadville?Rt 7?Conneaut Lake?Rt 7.Hartstown?Rt 18?.Adamsville?Rt 18?Greenville?Rt 18?....Clarck Jt?Rt 18??Hermitage?Rt 322????West Middlesex??Rt 7?Harbbard?Rt 7?.Youngstown.

We started journey before Meadville at Blooming valley. The day was drizzling and raining. Nomatterwhat we happened to put on our rain suits and kept covering the distance. We covered 69 miles for the day and we halt at Risqué Mission of YMCA. Got free food and shelter. There is something like military discipline in the Risqué mission. What is wired about the Youngtown is that the place seems to be hit by curfew as it appears. Hardly people are out on weekends like today, Sunday. I also heard that there is lot of crime happening and most of them related to cracks.

We wanted to raise meager funds as we had been doing on the way from the countryside but it may not be possible here as we hardly see a lively environment.

Aids Ride 2008 is organizing the first ad hock mobile hub at Risqué mission, Youngstown, Ohio. The opportunity was offered by Mr. Frank to us whilst our stay there. The mobile hub could be either before or after the dinner on 15th night.

15 th June Sunday 2008

Today we took complete rest at the Rescue Mission of YMCA, we were fortunate to have complete diet or nutritious food there and the system is pretty much like military system. Then we happen to do our first ad hock seminar on HIV and briefed about AIDS 2008 as a part of AIDS Ride 2008 mobile hub.

This was the first time to me to organise an event or speak to a community in USA. I happen to learn that the "homeless" are discriminated as "high risk group" by the government of USA and anyone who lives in there can no more donate blood to any blood donation camps or any individual. Its so weired to know such a bold discrimination persisting in states. Whatsoever, there I see people more joyful and made good friends in there who were all impressed with our biking.

16th June Monday 2008

Started from Youngstown and reached Canfield Library to do online work. We are on the way to Canton to organise a Peace tiles project with our local partners Global peace tiles and Eyeclectics, Canton, USA. The event would be in the downtown of Canton. The pics and small vedio recording are to saved. Please bare with us and as we get convenient with Internet we will forward them. Thank you for understanding.


Surya Prakash Makarla

Steering Committee Executive Member,
AIDS RIDE 2008, Toronto to Mexico City,

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